Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 29 - Aug 3

My first few days have gone very well, a pace I am sure I will not keep up with.
Day one July 29
I decided to start out playing  $1 - $2 Omaha
My first session in the morning was for about one hour.  I sat with my entire $50 bankroll and managed to leave with $117.05, a very good start.  In the future I will be taking some notes and posting some details of key hands but for the first few days I was not doing this so I have nothing more to add.
I sat again later in the day this time slitting my bankroll between two tables $57.50 at one and $59.55 at the other, same game same limits.  I ended up cashing out a total of $188.61 after another hour of play.
Day two July 30
Still playing $1 - $2 Omaha I sat down again at two tables with $60 on each.45 minutes later I was up to $379.55 and decided to leave the tables and and made a withdrawl of $180.
Later in the day I sat back down at two tables $75 each and after 30 minutes I had lost the funds on one table but turned the other table into $203 so I cashed that out and resat again with $75 at two tables.  Another 30 minutes later I was up a good amount at both tables so I left both tables with a total of $372.65 from my original $150. I now have about $540 in my account plus the $180 I withdrew and everything was going great so far. So I sat back down again with $75 at two tables and lost it all, down to $390 still not bad, I brought another $75 and that was quickly lost as well, down to $315 now so I called it a day.
Day three July 31
Played about 4 hours this day and for the first time played a little bit of $3 - $6 Fixed Limit holdem as well as $1-$2 Omaha playing one table of each at the same time most of the time I played.  The end result was a profit on the day of $287.20 so my poker account had just over $600.  I decided to take another $200 withdrawal takeing the poker account balance to $400 and the total withdrawals to $380.
Day four Aug 1
My first session of the day was about three hours once again playing the same combination of games as yesterday.  I very nice session with a profit of $500.
With about $900 in the poker account when I came back to play later in the day I started off by making a withdrawal of $400 to bring the poker account balance to $500 and the total withdrawals to $780.
I played for another 1.5 hours and made anohter $154 and caled it a day with $654 in the account.  Added to the $780 in withdrawals I have turned $50 into $1434 in four days in about 13 hours and have been making about $100 per hour.  Like I said earlier a very good start but I kinow my luck will turn at some point.
Day five Aug 2
I played my first tournament today a $33 holdem tourney with about 75 people and I failed to cash.
The ring games countinued to go well once again playing one table fixed limit holdem and one table pot limit Omaha two session and a total of 4.5 hours lead to a profit of just under $400 and I made another $200 withdrawal.
Day six Aug 3
Played about three hours and in ring game made about $180.
I also tried my luck and anohter tournament a $55 turbo holdem with about 75 people.  I made the final table finishing 6th for a prize of $206 bring the daily profit to $386 and prompting me to make a $500 bring my total withdrawls to $1480 plus a poker balance of about $750.  In six days I have managed to turn $50 into $2230..

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