Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Begining

On July 29, 2010 I made a deposit of $50 to an account I held at DoylesRoom.
My goal is to turn that $50 into $50,000, and I plan to Blog about my experience.  Key hands, bad beats, tournament wins and lessons learned along the way.  I am almost a week in and have been a little tarty setting up the blog so I will be providing a summary of my first week, but will be providing more detail going forward.
I have been playing poker online for about 6 years. I have had some success and some losses.  Overall I am ahead thanks to some decent size tournament wins, but a lack of disciplined bankroll management has hurt my profitability.  Since this is not my only $50 and if I lose it I will just start over again I am going to be a little aggressive to start thing off bringing the whole $50 to the table with me   As my bankroll grows I am going to start implementing bankroll management rules which will restrict the percentage of my bankroll I can sit at a table with, or use as a tournament buy-in.
I do not plan to only use DoylesRoom, but may transfer funds to FullTilt and PokerStars along the way as well.  I did decide to start at DoylesRoom because it is a smaller site and has much smaller tournaments to take part in.  While my bankroll is relatively small I would rather buy into a tournament that has 50-100 people over the larger tournaments at the other sites so the odds of cashing are higher.  Once the bankroll has grow I am sure I will take part in these larger tournaments as well and try for the big payday.
My next post will be a summary of play from July 29 - Aug 3

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