Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mini FTSOP event 1

I played in this $22 buyin tournament with over 14,000 entrants last night.
With a 5000 starting stack and such a large field my plan was to play very tight and pick my spots carefully.
The first hand I play was one of the first ones dealt when I had JJ from the bb blind 10/20
The was a middle position raiser to 60 a late position caller and then I raised to 180.  The first guys called the other folded and the flop had a Q and two low cards.  I bet 320 into the 430 pot and was called.  It was checked the rest of the way and he had KQ and I was down to 4500.
A few hands later I had 99 and once again raised to 180 after a middle position raise to 60 and was called the flop was two low cards and a J.  Once again I lead out was called and then it was checked though.  He flipped over J 5.  Not sure why he called my reraise with such a crappy hand, but it worked out for him and I was down to about 4000.
The third hand I played was KK once again from the BB, blinds were up to 40/80 at this point and a late position raise was made to 240 the button called and sb folded.  I raised to 750 and both guys called.  The flop was A J 5.  Once again one over card to my pair.  I bet half the pot, the first raiser folded and the button went all in.  I figured he had me and folded.
I was all the way down to 2000 chips when once again from  bb I got a good hand.  This time AK.  The blinds were up to 60/120 there was a middle position raise to 360 and a call from late position.  With almost 1000 chips in the pot already i wen tall in and was called by AQ and doubled up.
8 hands later once again from the bb I was dealt 10 7.  Two people limped in and I got to see a free flop.
The flop came 10 10 10 and I hit quads.  Now how do I wins some ships with this.
First to act I checked and so did they.  The turn was a 2 and I check the next guys bet the pot the other folded and I called.  The turn was a A.  I thought the other guys limping from late position might have a weak A and a small pair both would be very hard to fold at this point especially since he had 25000 chips to my 3000 with the pot at about 1200.  I decided to go all in to make it look like a overbet attempt to steal the pot thinking if he had any A or pair he would call me.  He did call and I was up to a bit over 8000 which was just below average.
The next hand I played I  the blinds were 150/300 and I had QQ on the button.  An early position player made it 800 and late position player called and the pot was up to 2050 when it came to me.  Two two player in I wanted to limit the field and would be happy with the 2050 which would put me over 10,000 and above average.  Since any raise i made would pretty much pot commit me I just went all in, one call one fold and it was my QQ vs AK and I was a 55% favorite to get up to 17,000 and be in the top 20% of chip stacks.
The flop was three clubs including the K.  With him having the Ac tht left me with just one out which I of course did not hit and I was out somewhere around 7800 place.
I think I played well.  I got unlikely with my early pairs of JJ 99 and KK not holding up after the flop made the most of a couple good hands to get back in it and the lost a coin flip.  Those situation are ones that you are going to have to win a few times to make it to the end of such a large tournament and I lost the first one I faced.
Overall I am now down to $1000.

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